Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Free Reading Games for 4th & 5th Grade Students

Free Reading Games for 4th & 5th Grade Students

Reading games can keep students involved and engaged. Having rewards for answers or winners will help the students want to play more games. Some rewards can be stickers, candy or pencils with characters on them. There are newspaper games and games to help with vocabulary and understanding compound words.

Crazy Compounds and Word Search

    Crazy compounds is a game that helps children learn compound words. First, write a compound word, such as airport, on the board. Discuss what compound words are with the class or child. Then, write out ten or more sentences with compounds in them and have the children circle which word in each sentence is the compound word. There are websites that you can create word search puzzles on, or create them yourself. Have the list of words surround a theme like animals or holidays. Word searches can aid in building vocabulary as well as build reading skills.

Word of the Day

    One reading game could be the word of the day. Have the word of the day written on the board with the definition. Then plan your reading period with a book that contains that word a few different times in the reading. Have the class be on the lookout to hear the word of the day. Whoever can notice the word can get a sticker.

Newspaper Game

    For the newspaper game, have the class look for certain items in the paper each day. Have set questions already written out and have papers for each student. Some of the questions could ask the student to write down a classified ad for a car or item they would like to buy. Not only will this game help them with developing reading skills but looking for details as well.

Reading a Label or Want Ad

    For this game, copy labels from a variety of foods that kids normally eat. Under the copy of the label, list a few questions about the food. Questions can include information on calories, sugar content, vitamin content and serving sizes. For reading a want ad, copy a few ads out of the paper. List questions about the different ads. Questions can be about which job needs five years experience or which job pays more.