Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How to Read a Book & Take a Quiz

How to Read a Book & Take a Quiz

Teachers use a variety of techniques, including quizzes, to encourage their students to read the books for a particular course. Quizzes offset a habit that may students have of procrastinating or neglecting to stay up to date with a class's reading assignments. Passing a quiz is not difficult if a student develops good reading skills and habits and is diligent in keeping up with the reading assignments. Passing a quiz is difficult if you wait until the night before the quiz to read the book.



    Setup a reading schedule for the book. Avoid waiting till the night before the quiz to read the book. In most cases, setting a schedule simply entails paying attention to the syllabus for the course that you are reading the book for. Diligently read the assignments as they are outlined on the syllabus.


    Take notes are you read. Taking notes helps you to digest the content of the book, and note taking is also a useful tool for keeping your attention focused on the book. Another helpful technique is to underline or mark important passages in the book with a pencil.


    Write a short summary after completing each chapter. Writing a one or two paragraph summary forces you to actively reflect on and organize the content of each chapter.


    Pay attention to the teacher's lecture on the contents of the book. Take notes during the lecture. The teacher will emphasize elements of the book that he thinks are the most important and relevant.


    Review your notes and summaries before each class. Reviewing your notes and summaries not only prepares you for the quiz, it also helps to make you better prepared overall. You will be in a better position to appreciate and understand the teacher's discussion of the book, and you will have insightful things to contribute the class discussion as well.