Sunday, October 27, 2013

How to Remove Mildew Smell From Books

If you are a lover of old books, you're probably very familiar with that musty, mildew smell that can accumulate on them from time to time. Mildew is a form of mold that grows in damp, warm places. Books, being made of organic materials, can absorb moisture from the air and harbor the mildew. If your books begin to reek, you don't need to throw them out. There are measures you can take to freshen them up without damaging them.



    Check your books for visible mold and mildew, which will appear to be a powdery substance on the pages or in the binding. If you want to get rid of the mildew smell, start by getting rid of the mildew. Take the book outdoors and use a dry toothbrush to brush away any mold or mildew particles. Wipe affected pages with a damp cloth and run it over the covers and spine of the book gently with the cloth.


    Prevent the mold and mildew from growing back by drying out the book completely. If the book is noticeably wet or very damp, go through it page-by-page, sprinkling some corn starch onto the pages. Allow it to sit open for a few days, then brush the excess cornstarch away with a makeup brush or dry cloth.


    Dry your book further, whether you have used the cornstarch method or not. Get a large plastic storage container. Line the bottom with a few inches of an absorbent material, such as charcoal briquettes (without lighter fluid) or clay-based kitty litter.


    Get a smaller tray or container that is just big enough to hold your book while open. Lay your book open, with the pages up, on the tray. Fan out the pages. Cut small bits of cardboard and bend them into L-shapes, then place them every few pages to help keep the pages fanned out. This will create maximum air flow through your book.


    Lay the trays on top of the layer of charcoal or kitty litter in the large container. Do not stack the trays of books on top of each other, but if you can fit in two or three trays side-by-side, that's fine.


    Cover the large plastic container. If it is not air-tight, you can use duct tape around the cover or over any holes for ventilation, or simply slide the entire container into a large plastic garbage bag and tie it up.


    Allow the books to sit in there for a minimum of three days, though to be safe they can stay in there a week or two. The charcoal or kitty litter will pull the moisture out of the book pages.


    Take a whiff of your books. The smell should be gone. If the smell still lingers, even after the pages are thoroughly dry, you can place them in a plastic bag with a cotton ball dabbed with a couple of drops of lemon or eucalyptus essential oils. Seal the bag, and lay it so the cotton ball does not touch the book. Remove it a day or two later. Any stubborn remnants of the smell should be gone.


    To keep your books fresh, prevent them from getting mildew again. Keep them in a dry place with low humidity. It is a good practice to keep a small container of charcoal or kitty litter on or near your book shelf, to attract any humidity in the room and avert it from seeping into the books. Change it every month or two, or when needed.