Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fluency Assessment Tools for the Second Grade

Fluency in reading refers to being able to read at normal speed, with normal expression and accuracy. Fluency and comprehension in reading go hand-in-hand. Fluency is important in both reading silently or aloud. To determine a second grader's fluency there are a number of assessment tools typically used. They need to be geared to the correct age or grade of the student in order to give an accurate picture of a child's functioning.


    The WCPM or Words Correct Per Minute method of testing fluency is used to assess fluency. While not a formal method it does give a quick snapshot of a child's reading fluency. Have a second grade student read a passage of text aloud for one minute. Any skipped words or those read aloud or pronounced incorrectly are not counted but all correct words read are. This gives a word per minute total for fluency.


    DIBELS or Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills ORF or Oral Reading Fluency assessments measure accuracy and fluency of reading skills in a standardized individually administered test. This test can be used with students in first through sixth grades so is appropriate for use with second graders. The test is more precise than the informal WCPM method and differentiates between responses such as hesitations, mispronunciations, repetitions and self-corrections when scoring.


    CBM or Curriculum Based Measurement was developed 25 years ago with a focus on math, reading, spelling and writing. The DIBELS procedures in the ORF assessments are the same as the Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) in CBM. However, CBM is a broader assessment tool as it covers more than fluency, as the PRF assessment is only one portion of CBM.


    The Gray Oral Reading Test-Fourth Edition scores a student's oral reading skills in regard to speed, accuracy, fluency, comprehension and overall reading skills. It is used with 6 year olds up to 18 year old students making it appropriate for second graders and is considered highly reliable.